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Excavator maintenance and repair

Excavator to mining weakness is one of the typical faults of excavator. For mining weakness can be divided into two kinds of situation: one for the mining weakness, engine development hold car, feeling very light load; second for mining and weak, when the arm extension end, serious hold car engine, or even flameout. The mining engine / vehicle weakness but hold. Mining force output by the pump pressure is determined, whether the engine oil pump absorption torque hold car depends on not the relationship between engine output torque. The engine shall hold car that the pump absorption torque is small, the engine load is light. If the mining machine working speed of no obvious abnormalities, should be maximum output pressure of the main pump is the key inspection system relief pressure. If the overflow pressure measurement value is lower than the prescribed value, shows that the overload relief valve hydraulic loop of the institutional setting it correctly, the mechanism of premature overflow, unable to work. Then by rotating the adjusting screw to adjust the machine. The mining engine car to hold. The car engine can pump absorption torque is greater than that of engine output torque, resulting in engine overload. This failure should first check the engine speed sensing system is normal, check method is not mentioned check engine similar method. After careful examination does not exclude the fault, the engine speed sensor system function normally, disappear engine hold car phenomenon, mining capacity will return to normal.